You question, we answer.


How long does it take to heat or cool a drink?

  • The Evokedd Heat&Cool Car Cup can heat up to 58°C and cool down to 5°C in just 3 minutes.

How is it powered?

  • The cup is powered by a car adapter that plugs into your vehicle's power outlet (cigarette lighter socket).

Is it safe for all types of car interiors?

  • Yes, the cup’s design and materials are safe for all car interiors. The universal base size ensures it fits securely without causing damage.

Does it have any safety features?

  • Yes, the Evokedd Heat&Cool Car Cup includes safety features such as automatic shut-off to prevent overheating and to protect the car battery.

What are the shipping times?

All orders are processed by our fulfilment team in 24h. Deliveries depending on your location will take 3-12 days.